
A unique offering from Primavera

Every year, we taste a few coffees that are really wild: fruity, sweet, and unabashedly unique. Sometimes these are washed lots, other times they can be honeys or naturals. Sometimes they are the result of an extra-long fermentation before being washed, or the result of fermenting honeys in a sack before depulping, and each one has a different story.

There's no way to explain in a word what these coffees are like. Some show wild strawberry sweetness, some have explosive pineapple juiciness, some boast an intense grapelike funkiness. The only way to really capture what these coffees are like is to use a visual metaphor: they make up a rainbow, or in Spanish, Arcoíris.

This is the inspiration for our Arcoíris series. We find coffees that are wild, dynamic, and exceptionally delicious from the different corners of the world, any process and any story. Then we dig into that story, asking the question of how each coffee was processed and why simple coffee seeds might reveal a rainbow of flavor. These coffees will make up our Arcoíris Series, and we couldn't be more excited to share them with you. You can find them marked on our offer list, or email us to learn more and request samples!