New Coffee Origins Added to Our Collection

We're thrilled to share some news. For over a decade, Primavera Green Coffee exclusively sourced coffee from Guatemala, focusing on quality, equity, and sustainability in a way that has become synonymous with our brand. We are immensely grateful for the loyalty and support you've shown us throughout this journey. 

Now, it's time to take that journey even further. 

We are excited to announce that, in addition to our beloved Guatemalan coffee, we are expanding our coffee origins to include regional lots and microlots from El Salvador and Colombia, and we have our sights set on a couple more incredible coffee-producing countries in the near future. This expansion is a result of our commitment to bringing you the best coffee beans sourced from diverse regions, keeping it seasonal.  

Why This Exciting Change?

1. Unique Flavors and Seasonality: Each coffee-growing region has its own distinct soil, climate, altitude, and cultivation practices, resulting in a wide range of flavor profiles. By sourcing from multiple countries, we're bringing you quality, seasonal coffees year round.

2. Supporting Sustainability: Expanding our sourcing allows us to support more coffee farmers. We're partnering with small-scale farmers who share our passion for quality and sustainability. By working with a broader network of coffee growers, we contribute to the well-being of these communities and promote environmentally friendly practices.

3. Sourcing Expertise: Our skilled quality control and sourcing teams are excited about the opportunity to showcase their ability to bring to you some of the the best coffees from these different countries and highlight the uniqueness of each region.

What's Next?

We're committed to a seamless transition as we incorporate these new origins into our offerings. Our team is working diligently to ensure that each bag of coffee you receive continues to meet our standards of quality and freshness. Over the coming weeks, you'll start to notice new additions on our website and offer list.

Stay Connected

As we embark on this exciting journey, we encourage you to stay connected with us through our social media channels and newsletter. We'll be sharing stories from the coffee farms, insights from our roaster partners, and updates about the new origins we're soon to introduce.

Thank you for being a part of our coffee family. Your support has been instrumental in shaping who we are today. We're excited to continue this adventure together, exploring the diverse world of coffee.


Primavera on Tour


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